About Centrope Project

Project Centrope

Roughly six and a half million people live in the eight federal provinces, regions and counties that make up the Central European Region. The position of the region at the intersection of four countries and four languages – the interface of the “new Europe” par excellence – is reflected in the great variety of CENTROPE partner regions and cities.

The two capitals Bratislava and Vienna, whose agglomerations – the “twin cities” – are situated at a distance of solely 60 kilometres from each other, Brno and Győr as additional cities of supra-regional importance as well as numerous other towns are the driving forces of an economically and culturally expanding European region. Growing prosperity, efficient and export-oriented industries, globally networked service hubs and a highly educated workforce are among the trademarks of the Central European Region. The Central European Region unites partners that ideally complement each other and – collectively even more than each of them on its own – stand for quality of life, opportunity, creativity, growth and openness.

Situated at a meeting-point of different language areas and attracting enterprises, people and ideas from all over the world, CENTROPE thus defines itself as a hub at the heart of Europe. For this reason, CENTROPE presents excellent prerequisites to become one of Europe’s most dynamic spaces to live and work in.